We THE People

With God in front of us and our patriot brothers and sisters around us, we seek to right the wrongs that have plagued our nation for decades. Peacefully assembling, we have received global recognition as the lawful voice of the self-governed in America.  We are not reinventing the wheel, simply going back to original jurisdiction as our founding fathers intended. Find your voice by filling your place in your state and county assemblies.

Our History

The United States exists in two forms:

The original United States that was in operation until March 14th 1861; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.

The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION Title 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15)a ) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public/Roman Civil Law rather than Common/Natural/God’s Law.

The original Constitution was never removed; it has simply been dormant since March 14th 1861. It is still intact to this day but has only an empty Republican form of Government to apply to. This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: “… two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.”

More History

The Restore America Plan reclaimed the De Jure institutions of government of the 50 State Republics in order to restore Common Law that represents the voice of the people and ends Corporate Law that ignores the voice of the people while operating under Maritime/Admiralty/International Law. This occurred shortly after the MGJA issued 50 states rectification document Rectification of states

The rewritten Mission Statement/Constitution of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION bypasses the original Constitution for the United States of America, which explains why our Congressmen and Senators don’t abide by it, and the President can write Executive Orders to do whatever he/she wants. They are following corporate laws that completely strip sovereigns of their God given unalienable rights.

Corporate/Commercial/Public Law is not sovereign (private), as it is an agreement between two or more parties under contract. Common Law (which sovereigns operate under) is not Commercial Law; it is personal and private.

Mission Statement

“We THE People, claiming our God-given Rights based in Christian principles, intend to return and maintain the government of the states united to the status proclaimed by the Magna Charta, the Declaration of Independence and the Original Organic Constitution dated 1787 and amended 1791. These God-given Rights are for ALL PEOPLE realizing the only limitation which affects a God-given Right is where there is a conflict between the Rights claimed by two or more sovereign people”.

The MGJA issued 21 Requisitions to the Judge Advocate General, the Pentagon, the office of POTUS, and the Secretary of State. The redacted orders will remain redacted until a later time when completed. Robert Gillman revealed the first eleven back in 2018 on a national call. Requisition #19 was completed when Trump announced SpaceForce January 2019. Requisition #20 was completed with the launching of Starlink and Direct-To-Cell by Elon Musk.

The Michigan General Jural Assembly (MGJA) sent a package to the International Business Bureau at the Hague on January 2012 to be posted in the hallway as global notice. No rebuttal. The MGJA also published in the Wall Street Journal in Europe, Asia, and the United States. No rebuttal. 

Once 38 states (3/4 is the majority of states) assemble with un-rebutted public notice; the assembled/settled state’s elected representatives will have the ability to hold the first organic convention of states. The states will give notice abroad to the current corporate system that the contracted 19 essential services are no longer required.

Our Vision

We the people following the path laid down by the founders to restore original jurisdiction

Our Values

Returning to our God given rights with common cause and harmony

Copyright © 2024 Restore America. All Rights Reserved.

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This is a construct of law that most people are unaware of. NOT A CASE SITING! We the people have been providentially provided legal recourse to address the criminal conduct of persons themselves entrusted to dispense justice.

In the Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, 112 S.Ct. 1735,
504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992), Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for
the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the
judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead
belongs to the people.

It is in effect a fourth branch of government
“governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American
people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.

Thus, citizens have the unbridled right to empanel their own grand juries
and present “True Bills” of indictment to a court, which is then required to
commence a criminal proceeding. Our Founding Fathers presciently
thereby created a “buffer” the people may rely upon for justice, when
public officials, including judges, criminally violate the law.